Wednesday, October 27, 2010

No more fuzzy dice

1.      Briefly, this article is explaining Michigan’s ban on hanging items from your rearview mirror and that the state government is considering lessening the ban so that smaller items may be hung but not items that obstruct a driver’s view.
2.      My favorite quote from the article is this one addressing the issue of fuzzy dice: “Fuzzy dice might not be included, though, because they could block views of the road.” I liked this quote just because I found it interesting that the writer would menion it. I don’t know how many people he sees with dice hanging from their rearview mirror, but I certainly don’t see any fuzzy dice dangling from mirrors whenever I’m on the road. And how is it possible that they obstruct a driver’s view anyway? I would think that would only be true if you hung your rearview mirror right in front of the steering wheel. This just seemed like a very random thought that the writer just decided to toss in at the end like an oh by the way . . . you probably won't be allowed to hang fuzzy dice ever again – sorry to all you 60s fans.
3.      Honestly, I think the state of Michigan has more important matters to deal with than the size of objects hanging from a rearview mirror. It’s one of those laws where you’re just like really? Is that absolutely necessary? Don’t you guys have anything better to do? I never even knew that hanging objects from your mirror was illegal until I read this article. No one even follows this rule anyway. Not even the police  which is really saying something. As I said before, how do these objects obstruct your view anyway? I mean seriously, an air freshener isn’t even that big! I’m sure people can see around it just fine. And does the government even have proof that these objects are obstructive? The answer is probably not. It’s just another reason to fine people and make more money. Bottom line: this ban is a complete waste of time.

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